Nov 11, 2010

The beginning...

This blog is about my journey to find good coffee in Germany, which believe me, is no easy feat.  When I arrived here three months ago I never imagined it would be so hard to find a good cup of coffee - after all - Germany borders Italy and they make pretty damn good coffee.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no coffee expert, nor do I consider myself a real coffee connoisseur, however, I do know a good coffee and after 12 weeks of exploring various cafes, restaurants and bars primarily in and around the Ludwigsburg/Stuttgart area, but also as far as Dusseldorf, Berlin and Munich, I haven't really found one cup that I've been able to say 'Wow, that was a great cup of coffee!' about.

I've never given so much attention to my mere daily cup of coffee, and never thought coffee was so vital to my day-to-day peace of mind and happiness - you may even think its a little eccentric or over-the-top to spend so much time and energy complaining about a damn cup of coffee - but trust me - when you are used to drinking a coffee which is just the right strength, isn't bitter, with just the right amount of creamy milk heated to the right temperature, and topped off with just the right amount of creamy froth - it can be devastating to wake up one day and realise that this ten to fifteen minute ritual of your day, which gives you a deep sense of happiness during each and every minute, is gone.

Now I've lived in Australia, England and Vietnam, and have travelled through Europe, South East Asia and most of Australia and have never had so much trouble finding a good coffee -which lead me to think that  after so many cups of mediocre - and several cups of just plain awful coffee -  it might be of interest to the coffee lovers and drinkers of the world to know just where they can expect to find a good cup of coffee in Germany - if such a thing exists!

So join me as I try cup after cup of espresso, cafe latte, macchiato and cappuccino in Germany in search of at least one (but hopefully more than one) perfect cup of coffee...


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