Nov 21, 2010

Is Maccy D's really the best there is...?

On an outing today around the outskirts of Stuttgart, we were on our way to the cinema after a good long walk in a quite chilly forest, when we decided to detour into McDonalds for a coffee break.  Now in any other country, I probably wouldn't consider going to Maccers for a coffee, not even those with a snazzy McCafe, however, when one has such trouble sourcing a cafe on the weekends that isn't a) jam packed with people trying to find somewhere warm to escape the cold weather and their own houses, and b) is relatively quick with regards to service, McDonalds seems to be a reasonable choice.

And infact this time round, I have to admit it was the right choice as the coffee was the good!  Reflecting on this, I realise how pitifully sad it may be that McDonalds offers one of the best coffees in Germany, but I really must give praise where praise is due,and yes - the coffee was good!

I quickly decided on a 'tall' cappuccino and was pleasantly surprised - it was just the right temperature - quite hot but not enough to make the coffee bitter, the milk was frothed to a nice creamy foam and the coffee was NOT bitter - hurrah for McCafe in Germany!  While I'm almost embarrassed for Germany to admit it - it really was the best cup of coffee I've had to date here...

So if you're looking for a good coffee whilst here in Deutschland on a holiday, or just settling in and trying to get some insider tips - take yourself into Maccers pronto and order a cappuccino.

I'm lovin' it!

Atmosphere                         3/5
Coffee bean                         4/5
Milk                                   4.5/5
Overall Rating                    4/5

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